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About the Emergency Locum Service (ELS)

Rural and Remote Town

The Emergency Locum Service is an iniatitive of the Rural Pharmacy Workforce Program (RPWP).

The RPWP is designed to strengthen and support the rural pharmacy workforce, and in turn, provide increased access to quality pharmacy services for consumers residing in rural and remote regions of Australia.

RPWP is part of a suite of Rural Support Programs funded by the Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care (DoHAC) to support targeted Programs and services that improve access to Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) medicines and services for people living in rural and remote regions of Australia.

The 7th Community Pharmacy Agreement signed by the Commonwealth, the Pharmacy Guild of Australia and for the first time the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia, commenced on 1 July 2020, and will be in place until 30 June 2025.

ELS supports Community Pharmacies in rural and remote areas through direct access to Pharmacist locums in emergency situations.

The primary aim of the ELS is to alleviate the hardships faced by Community Pharmacies based in rural and remote communities in accessing locum services who are faced with an emergency situation that will affect the provision of pharmacy services to the community.

Pharmacy Programs Administrator (PPA)

PPA are the agency responsible for administering, processing and paying claims for the Community Pharmacy Programs funded by the Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care (DoHAC). PPA is a division of Australian Healthcare Associates (AHA) who has over 25 years experience and is Australia's largest health and human services consulting firm.

The PPA website can be found at

Raven's Recruitment

Raven's Recruitment has been providing Pharmacy Recruitment Services since 1987 and following a competitive tender process, the PPA signed a Service Agreement with Raven's Recruitment to deliver and operate the Emergency Locum Service (ELS) from the 1st July 2021.

Raven's Recruitment Pty Ltd are a Registered Labour Hire Provider with the Queensland Government, the Victorian Government and the Australian Capital Territory Government which allows us to operate as a provider. These are the only State's with this type of legislation for the pharmacy industry and Pharmacists.

Raven's Recruitment Pty Ltd is a corporate member of the Recruitment and Consulting Services Association (RCSA) that complies with the RCSA Code for Professional Conduct, which means you can be assured you will receive legally compliant, ethical and professional service.