In a bustling rural pharmacy nestled in the heart of Queensland, pharmacist Emma reflects on her journey through uncharted territories of expanded practice. Balancing patient care and team leadersh...
Read moreIt was a crisp November morning when a small-town pharmacist, Sarah, opened the doors of her rural pharmacy, knowing her community depended on her for more than just prescriptions. From counselli...
Read moreAs Australians increasingly rely on pharmacies for everyday health needs, community pharmacists are stepping up their services beyond dispensing medications. The Pharmacy Guild of Australia highl...
Read moreImagine you're a community pharmacist in a busy urban practice in Melbourne. The pharmacy hums with patients waiting to pick up prescriptions, receive advice, or get vaccinations. You’ve just fini...
Read moreAs the sun rose on another bustling day in Melbourne, Sarah, a community pharmacist, opened her pharmacy with a renewed sense of hope. She had just read the latest news about the 8th Community Ph...
Read moreTired of the Locum hustle? Find Pharmacy shifts your way with Raven's Recruitment & Colleago!Why partner with Raven's Recruitment?Tailored Opportunities: We connect you with locum shifts that mat...
Read moreBeing a Community Pharmacist in Australia has always been a rewarding career, but the landscape is shifting rapidly. State Government supported full scope of practice trials are rolling out acros...
Read moreAs the healthcare landscape undergoes a paradigm shift, the 'Unleashing the Potential of Our Workforce – Scope of Practice Review' otherwise known as the Cormack Review, takes centre stage. In thi...
Read moreThe release of the 2023 Intergenerational Report by the Australian government has sparked significant discussion within the healthcare sector. This report, which projects an increase in healthcare ...
Read moreThe Emergency Locum Service (ELS) provides support to community pharmacies in rural and remote regions of Australia via direct access to pharmacist locums in emergency situations, aiming to place...
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